
How To Recover Your Pigg Password (when you Forgot your Password) Updated December 2014

Klik di sini untuk melihat Bagaimana Cara Menemukan Password Ameba Pigg (Lupa Password) dalam Bahasa Indonesia

There, there, you forgot your ameba pigg password and cannot log in?^^
now I'm gonna show you easy steps to recover your password without logging in. Well, maybe recover is not the correct term for this, it's more like creating a new password for your pigg. Ameba never show you your password in your email or anywhere to prevent hacking etc.

Let's start, but to do this, you have to remember your ameba ID, your email address, and your email password. Remember that the email you use here MUST be the email you used the first time you registered your Pigg.

Here are the steps:

1. Open https://pigg.ameba.jp and click this green button

2. on the next page, click this green button

3. klik the "ID・パスワード忘れ" under the password box

4. type your email address, make sure its the same email
you registered your pigg with

5. If this page appears, it means Amoeba has sent the link to your email.
you can close this page and go to the next step.

6. Open your email inbox and open the latest email from Ameba

7. Click the longest link inside email, but to prevent unwanted ads or spam,
make sure you right-click and open the link in new tab (don't left click!)

8. follow instructions on picture above and you're done.

There, you can simply go again to https://pigg.ameba.jp to start playing, remember to remember your password ;)

click here to see How to Change Ameba Pigg Password (from inside the Ameba Pigg game)

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